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Bethesda International Prayer Centre

Bethesda International Prayer Centre has been raised on 10th October 1993 by DRD.G.S. Dhinakaean and Dr Paul Dhinakara

It spans 1.5 acres of land at the foothills of the Western Ghats. It is close to Siruvani waterfalls and surrounded by lush green lawns, plants and trees with bright blooming flowers and chirping birds and peacocks.

Bethesda International Prayer Centre is open all 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It is open from 6 AM to 8:3 PM at the night.

People visit this place frequently for meditation and counselling regardless of religious discrimination.


Bethesda International Prayer Centre

Karunya Nagar

Siruvani Road

Coimbatore - 6411114

Tel: +91 42226145581, 2615515

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